Come with joy and return with abundant achievements

Nature Biotechnology

In May, the 133rd Canton Fair was in full swing in Guangzhou, marking the first comprehensive resumption of offline participation since the outbreak of the pandemic. The exhibition area and number of participating companies both reached new highs.



At this exhibition, Jiangsu Nature Biotechnology Co., Ltd. participated with high-quality service and a professional team. Foreign trade managers Lv Cuihong, Jiang Nannan, and Zhang Yixuan took the initiative and showcased their talents. With high-quality products and good reputation, the company won the attention of a large number of buyers at the exhibition site.



As a barometer and barometer of China's foreign trade exports, the Canton Fair has resumed offline exhibitions for the first time in three years due to the pandemic, which is of great significance. Almost all participants described their participation in this exhibition as "excited". After all, the past three years have been "suppressed" for too long, and this Canton Fair provides a stage for full participation.



This year's Canton Fair is not only the return of the "China No 1 Exhibition" king, but also a crucial moment for Chinese foreign trade enterprises to break through, transform, and undergo industrial upgrading and changes in various uncertain situations in the world. The Canton Fair has become an excellent window for us to observe the resilience and transformation of China's foreign trade.

       本届广交会不仅仅是“中国 No 1 展会”王者归来,更是在当今世界多种不确定情况下,中国外贸企业正在突围、转型、进行产业升级变化的关键时刻,广交会也成为我们观察中国外贸韧性与转变的绝佳窗口。





We anticipated the popularity of the Canton Fair, but we didn't expect it to be so hot. Congestion has become the norm, with congestion in and out of the exhibition hall, subway traffic, roads outside the exhibition hall, and even restaurants inside the exhibition hall.



Nowadays, most buyers who come to the booth first add WeChat, especially buyers from Southeast Asia, and some customers from Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas also use WeChat more often. Brochures also need electronic versions, which was rare in previous Canton Fairs.



In the past three years, the pandemic situation and changes in the international situation have affected the direction of global trade, and the emotional journey of many foreign traders has also fluctuated accordingly. For us exporters, this Canton Fair is not only an opportunity to seize orders and expand the market, but also a window to explore market temperature, in order to adjust business strategies in the future.



The Canton Fair has opened up channels for domestic buyers, making travel more convenient. Overall, Chinese people are more enthusiastic about the fair than foreign customers, and it has also promoted exchanges and connections between various industries in China. Of course, the foreign clients who can come to the exhibition site are all buyers with stronger professionalism and demand. We have also seized this rare opportunity in a timely manner, and after 5 days of hard work, we have won over 3 million US dollars in intentional orders. At the same time, we have also made many professional clients. We will continue to follow up in the future and fully utilize the remaining heat of this Canton Fair.


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